Saturday, August 13, 2011


If pregnant readers ever wonder, how in the world am I going to afford everything my new baby (who won't stay little for long) needs? My answer is Consignment Sales.

This morning my mother and I went to a big semi-annual consignment fair at our state fairgrounds, hosted by the Triangle Mothers of Twins & Triplets. I've been going since summer 2008, when I was pregnant with my son. They sell anything and everything a new or growing family might need, from children's bed linens and bottles to strollers and artwork. For $71 I bought my son a pair of pull-on rain boots, a pair of snow boots (that might never see the light of day in North Carolina), seven footie pajamas, a winter coat, several zipped sweatshirts, nine books, a couple matching games, a couple of puzzles, and an insulated sippy cup to replace the one he threw down a storm sewer. I love the deals obviously, but I also like reducing consumption and keeping our money in our local economy -- especially with a great organization supporting families.

My mom and I attend this TMOTT sale every season, and I also visit a couple of local brick-and-morter stores (Once Upon a Child and Kid to Kid) as my son needs things throughout the year. Their selection and quality are good. And every dollar I save by buying used is another dollar I can put into my son's 529 plan.

Which bring me to the question... do any women out there have good luck with consignment stores/sales for maternity clothes? I've looked, but it's been a waste of time for me. My theory is that women hold onto their maternity clothes, loaning to friends and family as the need arises, until the clothes are either worn out or too old-fashioned. So not much maternity inventory hits consignment. I wonder if this is true in different regions, or just NC.

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